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Informacje dot. produktu "The siku Book"
More than just toys. They are horsepower legends in metal, heroes on play roads, protagonists and stars of unending fantasy and adventure stories – and over generations they have been an invitation to have fun in the playrooms of this world: Toy cars from siku. Every single one is a true-to-original reproduction of a horsepower icon, conveyed perfectly in small scale, and created in minute detail from high quality materials, in order to make children’s eyes shine and enhance numerous play vehicle fleets. And, as a small boy, Christian Blanck too was a big fan of the siku cars. When he became a father, his old love burst into flame again. Blanck went in search for the bodywork heroes of his childhood. And he found (nearly) all of them: “Well-used fire engines, battered yellow angels, horsepower monsters – low-slung and souped-up – and real classics”, according to Blanck. And he photographed them, put them on show, and devoted a book to them: “The siku Book” is the fourth illustrated volume in the “Playroom heroes” series of books, in which the photographer and author brings together the heroes of his childhood, and makes the memories of those childhood days live again.
  • 1st edition 2023  
  • Publisher: Delius Klasing Verlag  
  • ISBN: 978-3-667-12659-7  
  • 224 pages  
  • 250 photos and illustrations

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